这本书的作者”Mawlâna Diyâ’ ad-dîn Khâlid al-Baghdâdî
al Uthmânî “(愿安拉慈悲他),回历纪元1192年,诞生于巴格达
于”Uthmân Dhu’n-nûrain”(奥斯曼·伊本·阿凡)家族,所以被称”
Uthmânî”。”Uthmânî”,让其兄弟Mawlâna Mahmûd Sâhib 阅读
”Alim an-Nawawî”的 (Hadith al-arba’ûn)一书中的第二圣训实录
(Hadith al-Jibrîl) 的时候,Mawlâna Mahmûd Sâhib向大哥请求
,表示愿重写此书。Mawlâna Khâlid(此书的作者)为讨兄弟欢
说明,被称为 (I’tikâdnâma)。
已翻译成好几种语言:翻译出来的英文书名为 (Belief and Islam),
法文书名为 (Foi et Islam),德文书名为 (Glaube und Islam)。之
Join Hiddleston –
I am 6 feet tall and 220 lbs. This shirt fit me perfectly in the chest and shoulders. My only complaint is that it is so long! I like to wear polo shirts untucked. This shirt goes completely past my rear end. If I wore it with ordinary shorts, you probably wouldnt be able to see the shorts at all – completely hidden by the shirt. It needs to be 4 to 5 inches shorter in terms of length to suit me. I have many RL polo shirts, and this one is by far the longest. I dont understand why.
Kenneth R. Myers –
The shirt was not the fabric I believed it to be. It says Classic Fit but was made like the older versions, not the soft cotton like my others. I don’t understand how the labels are the same but a completely different shirt. Oh well, stuck with it now.
Mike Addington –
Real authentic genuine quality however it fit me like an XL size when In fact Im L. Beware
Ervin Arlington –
The Ralph Lauren quaility is here in abundance. My husband always says that the Lauren polos fit better and last longer than any other brand.I love the new \”heathered\” color and the price is always excellent through shop
Patrick M. Newman –
My son loved this Jacket for his Senior Prom… He got sooo many compliments! He is slim build 5’11 and 150lbs … I ordered a large … it was a little big … but it was fine!